国际化(Internationalization) ==================== Phalcon is written in C as an extension for PHP. There is a PECL_ extension that offers internationalization functions to PHP applications called intl_. Starting from PHP 5.4/5.5 this extension is bundled with PHP. Its documentation can be found in the pages of the official `PHP manual`_. Phalcon does not offer this functionality, since creating such a component would be replicating existing code. In the examples below, we will show you how to implement the intl_ extension's functionality into Phalcon powered applications. .. highlights:: This guide is not intended to be a complete documentation of the intl_ extension. Please visit its the documentation_ of the extension for a reference. 匹配最佳的区域设置(Find out best available Locale) ------------------------------ There are several ways to find out the best available locale using intl_. One of them is to check the HTTP "Accept-Language" header: .. code-block:: php format(array(4560)); // Prints USD$ 4,560.5 $formatter = new MessageFormatter("en_US", "USD$ {0, number}"); echo $formatter->format(array(4560.50)); // Prints ARS$ 1.250,25 $formatter = new MessageFormatter("es_AR", "ARS$ {0, number}"); echo $formatter->format(array(1250.25)); Message formatting using time and date patterns: .. code-block:: php format($values); // Prints "À 15:53:01 le 19 avr. 2012, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète 7." $pattern = "À {1, time} le {1, date}, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète {0, number}."; $formatter = new MessageFormatter("fr_FR", $pattern); echo $formatter->format($values); 特定区域设置的字符串比较(Locale-Sensitive comparison) --------------------------- The Collator_ class provides string comparison capability with support for appropriate locale-sensitive sort orderings. Check the examples below on the usage of this class: .. code-block:: php setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY); var_dump($collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion")); // Returns that the strings are not equal $collator->setStrength(Collator::DEFAULT_VALUE); var_dump($collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion")); 音译(Transliteration) --------------- Transliterator_ provides transliteration of strings: .. code-block:: php transliterate($string); // garconetudiantoulecole .. _PECL: http://pecl.php.net/package/intl .. _intl: http://pecl.php.net/package/intl .. _PHP manual: http://www.php.net/manual/en/intro.intl.php .. _documentation: http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php .. _MessageFormatter: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.messageformatter.php .. _Collator: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.collator.php .. _Transliterator: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.transliterator.php