日志记录(Logging) ======= :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger <../api/Phalcon_Logger>` is a component whose purpose is to provide logging services for applications. It offers logging to different backends using different adapters. It also offers transaction logging, configuration options, different formats and filters. You can use the :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger <../api/Phalcon_Logger>` for every logging need your application has, from debugging processes to tracing application flow. 适配器(Adapters) -------- This component makes use of adapters to store the logged messages. The use of adapters allows for a common interface for logging while switching backends if necessary. The adapters supported are: +---------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Adapter | Description | API | +=========+===========================+==================================================================================+ | File | Logs to a plain text file | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter\\File <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_File>` | +---------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Stream | Logs to a PHP Streams | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter\\Stream <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_Stream>` | +---------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Syslog | Logs to the system logger | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter\\Syslog <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_Syslog>` | +---------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Firephp | Logs to the FirePHP | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Adapter\\FirePHP <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_Firephp>` | +---------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 创建日志(Creating a Log) -------------- The example below shows how to create a log and add messages to it: .. code-block:: php log("This is a message"); $logger->log("This is an error", \Phalcon\Logger::ERROR); $logger->error("This is another error"); The log generated is below: .. code-block:: php [Tue, 17 Apr 12 22:09:02 -0500][DEBUG] This is a message [Tue, 17 Apr 12 22:09:02 -0500][ERROR] This is an error [Tue, 17 Apr 12 22:09:02 -0500][ERROR] This is another error 事务(Transactions) ------------ Logging data to an adapter i.e. File (file system) is always an expensive operation in terms of performance. To combat that, you can take advantage of logging transactions. Transactions store log data temporarily in memory and later on write the data to the relevant adapter (File in this case) in a single atomic operation. .. code-block:: php begin(); // Add messages $logger->alert("This is an alert"); $logger->error("This is another error"); // Commit messages to file $logger->commit(); 使用多个处理程序进行日志记录(Logging to Multiple Handlers) ---------------------------- :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger <../api/Phalcon_Logger>` allows to send messages to multiple handlers with a just single call: .. code-block:: php push(new FileAdapter('test.log')); $logger->push(new StreamAdapter('php://stdout')); $logger->log("This is a message"); $logger->log("This is an error", Logger::ERROR); $logger->error("This is another error"); The messages are sent to the handlers in the order they where registered. 信息格式(Message Formatting) ------------------ This component makes use of 'formatters' to format messages before sent them to the backend. The formatters available are: +---------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Adapter | Description | API | +=========+===============================================+====================================================================================+ | Line | Formats the messages using an one-line string | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Formatter\\Line <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Line>` | +---------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Json | Prepares a message to be encoded with JSON | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Formatter\\Json <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Json>` | +---------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Syslog | Prepares a message to be sent to syslog | :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\Formatter\\Syslog <../api/Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Syslog>` | +---------+-----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 行格式化处理(Line Formatter) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Formats the messages using a one-line string. The default logging format is: [%date%][%type%] %message% You can change the default format using setFormat(), this allows you to change the format of the logged messages by defining your own. The log format variables allowed are: +-----------+------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +===========+==========================================+ | %message% | The message itself expected to be logged | +-----------+------------------------------------------+ | %date% | Date the message was added | +-----------+------------------------------------------+ | %type% | Uppercase string with message type | +-----------+------------------------------------------+ The example below shows how to change the log format: .. code-block:: php setFormatter($formatter); 自定义格式处理(Implementing your own formatters) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\FormatterInterface <../api/Phalcon_Logger_FormatterInterface>` interface must be implemented in order to create your own logger formatter or extend the existing ones. Adapters -------- The following examples show the basic use of each adapter: Stream Logger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The stream logger writes messages to a valid registered stream in PHP. A list of streams is available `here `_: .. code-block:: php 'w' )); Syslog 日志记录器(Syslog Logger) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This logger sends messages to the system logger. The syslog behavior may vary from one operating system to another. .. code-block:: php LOG_NDELAY, 'facility' => LOG_MAIL )); FirePHP 日志记录器(FirePHP Logger) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This logger sends messages to the FirePHP. .. code-block:: php log("This is a message"); $logger->log("This is an error", \Phalcon\Logger::ERROR); $logger->error("This is another error"); 自定义适配器(Implementing your own adapters) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :doc:`Phalcon\\Logger\\AdapterInterface <../api/Phalcon_Logger_AdapterInterface>` interface must be implemented in order to create your own logger adapters or extend the existing ones.